Let's Do 52 – Paint the Moon – Photo a Week Project | Photoshop Actions
One photo per week. C’mon, you can do it! Get your creative juices flowing … take your photography to the next level, learn some new things along the way and renew your enthusiasm for taking photos. If you’re a seasoned pro, come rediscover your passion for photography and remember how great it feels to shoot solely for the thrill of it … or if you’re just starting out help develop your creative eye and learn along the way.
After abandoning my 365 projects the last three years in a row I thought a 52 week project would be much more attainable, and therefore, inspiring. I found that with the 365 I’d lose steam about half way through … it was starting to sap my creative juices, rather than be inspiring and helping me to grow in my photography. I’m hoping this will be the motivation and inspiration we all need to help us in our photography journeys in 2011.
Just a few points to remember:
? We’ll have fun ideas and themes every week, but you can choose whether to follow along with the theme or go on your own. We’ll be adding in some fun challenges as well to help keep you growing in your skills and revving up those creative juices!! Look for the new idea/theme here on the blog, on the Flickr group page and our Facebook page every Saturday. We’ll have two ideas/themes per week … one more abstract idea and one more literal theme, you choose which you want to do – if any – and get creative!
? Post a photo each week … and feel free to join us at any time! And, please, this is supposed to be fun … so no beating yourself up if you miss a week! You just need a free Flickr account to post your images in the PTM Let’s Do 52 group … it’s simple and free.
? Whatever you use to take photos for your project, it’s up to you. And no special processing necessary (unless you are posting on the Facebook wall or would like a chance at starring on the blog, then please stick to PTM products for processing).
? Photos may be used on the Paint the Moon blog or Facebook page if you’ve used Paint the Moon actions or textures in your image. Please include any information and/or links you want included in case we feature your image.
? Be sure to keep checking in on the Paint the Moon blog and Facebook page for articles, inspiration and the weekly theme! Feel free to post your images to the Facebook wall if edited with PTM products!
? Invite all your friends to come join us too … especially with those who have a passion for photography! The more we can get to support and inspire one another the better … pros and amateurs alike. So share the info via your favorite social networks, blogs, Twitter, etc. because the more we get to play along the more fun we’ll all have!
? If there is a special meaning behind your image please share it … let’s hear your stories!
? Look here and on our Facebook page for the new theme each Saturday if you’d like to play along with our theme. Many times this can help spark some creative thinking and get you seeing things in a new way. We’re starting a little late, so it’s okay if week one’s photo is posted a little late.
Come browse and encourage one another and gain inspiration. And most of all – have fun!!
Tags: 52 weeks, elements actions, inspiration, Let's Do 52, Photoshop Actions, Photoshop Actions for Photographers
Love the idea and am willing to give it a try, but it would be great if we could get the themes earlier…like maybe a month? So we can be thinking about what to do and how to accomplish it, or if we can’t check the blog, we know what it is!
Thanks, Rachel! I am working on the list of ideas for each week now and will post them a few weeks ahead of time for everyone who wants to start thinking about them early. 🙂
I’m excited! I’ve been wanting to do a 52 Project but didn’t have anyone to do it with. I can’t wait to get started!
Definitely do-able!! Can’t wait to get started!
Im starting one this week since Im due in May. Gotta keep up with that changing belly and it will morph into a 365 once my little boy is here!
This is just what I have been looking for! I just can not seem to keep up with my 365 project. It went from a fun idea to a stressful thing. This is much more my speed and way more fun. Thank you for setting this up!!
What a fun idea. I’ve never done anything like this before and looking forward to joining in on the fun! Thanks Annie!
Hello.I’m going to join the 52 challenge.I’m a pathological picture taker and have dreams of being a professional photographer one day.I’m an amateur with limited resources due to the fact that I’m a stay at home mom who has just endured two knee surgeries and my husband has recently become permanently disabled due to a debilitating disease of his joints.Were in our late thirties and although we’ve had some hard times with health and finances,I’m not gonna let that stop me because we still have a lifetime of watching our precious daughter grow and our lives together as well.Now that our daughter Liberty is almost eleven and in public school,I’m looking into a profession that I love and enjoy and have a passion about for our future.I worked for almost twenty years in customer service,I’m a true people person and I love photography.So why can’t I become my dream?I know I can,it’s just not going to be easy. Right now we are scratching by with my husbands disability payments and a few things I have going on the side but I know I need to start planning now because I know there is going to a rather large expense for equipment and much more.I would welcome the chance to be involved and rub elbows with photo artists and others like me just for the experience and constructive criticism as I prepare for my journey towards my goal.Don’t laugh, I only have a 12 megapixel digital camera but I’ve got a dream and a goal and I’m gonna get to the end result someway somehow no matter what.
Hi I have to leave a comment, your work is simply stunning! My 8 year daughter and I flicked from image to image smiling. And my daughters quote “the pictures kiss your eyes like like sunshine”.
Enough said.