52 Week Photo Project: Week Two Wrap Up – Let's Do 52 Challenge With Paint the Moon { Photoshop Actions }
Welcome to the wrap up for week two of our fabulous 52 week photo project! With over 2900 (and growing) contributing photographers to the Let’s Do 52 group it getting even more difficult to choose just a few images to showcase here as Picks of the Week. If you’re getting here a little late in the game and just seeing this – no worries! Join anytime! And a little off topic note … thank you to all the people who were so nice to take time out of your busy days to leave such warm and kind comments on my Rock Star Party photos and post – I really appreciate all of you so much.
If you need a refresher on the guidelines and details, please see the original post for the 2012 Let’s Do 52. A couple points to note …
? I am just loving all the photos being shared on the Paint the Moon Facebook page and invite anyone involved with the group to come share too!
? Be sure to keep checking in on the Paint the Moon blog and Facebook page for articles, inspiration and the weekly themes! This coming week keep your eye out for the much anticipated article on finding fabulous light and getting eyes to pop with crisp catchlights!
? And, also, I need to remind everyone that this is a *weekly challenge* … which means as part of the group you are encouraged to take a new photo each week just for this project (as opposed to pulling up older photos that you think might “match” the theme). This is what helps us stretch our creativity and grow as photographers. And remember to try thinking outside the box for the themes … you can interpret them any way you see fit. Get creative … think in new ways and challenge yourself!
? For those who want to show off your commitment to the Let’s Do 52 group (or who have been chosen as a Pick of the Week and want to grab the special button), please see the button page for easy code to copy and past on your blog or site.
Click here to jump to the Kid’s Click Too group details and picks.
Here is my Let’s Do 52 photo for “Responsibility” – Week Two. My daughter, Adeline, had a blast helping me set this one up … even down to the one shoe, “because the kids were using one of my shoes as a race car for the doll.” She picked the dress because it “has a stain on it and is all messy like mamas are sometimes.” She was a natural when I said, “Okay, just pretend you’re mommy … you’ve just cleaned the entire house and turned around and the kids have made a whole new mess!!” 😉
So many funny expressions … I’m hoping the exasperated, not angry, look is more like what she sees coming from me – LOL! Cute banner by Starlit Nest Gifts & Photo Props! And the super adorable dress by none other than Lil Blue Boo. 🙂
See the below talented photographer’s original images posted on Flickr by clicking the corresponding numbered link below (no particular order … and let me say there were TONS of amazing images, so just because these are showcased doesn’t mean all the others weren’t just as wonderful. We have 50 more weeks for your images to be a pick of the week here too!). The themes for week one photos was either Responsibility or Open. Kid’s Click Too group picks and the new themes are below!
1. Jacinta McLoughlan
2. Juneberry Photo
3. Debbie Hartley
4. Catherine Larsson Lubbat
5. Amanda Rolfe
6. Lindsay Calcerano
7. Ruth Hillman Photography
8. Rebecca Doyle Photography
For the third week of 2012 the themes/ideas are …
Important links:
Original Let’s Do 52 Flickr Group (for us big people)
Original Let’s Do 52 Details (again, for us old folks)
Paint the Moon Facebook Page – Come Share, Be Inspired, Ask Questions
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Flickr Group
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Original Blog Post
And now the kid’s special group (see the original post details here). Adeline, my six year old is the team leader and selected all the picks for this week herself. Like me, she had a hard time choosing as there were so many fabulous images … these kids truly rock! The themes this last week were Favorite Toy and Red. Some of these young artists even did the editing work themselves with Paint the Moon actions. Here is Adeline’s images for the week, completely photographed and edited by her.
By Adeline, age six, for the Kid’s Click Too theme “Favorite Toy.” She used aperture priority mode, auto focus and selected her Paint the Moon actions by herself (Beloved from Blessings).
The picks are in no particular order … and let me say there were TONS of amazing images, so just because these are showcased doesn’t mean all the others weren’t just as wonderful – it’s not a “best of” contest, or contest of any kind – just a special treat to showcase random photos that caught our eye each week. You guys all rock!! We have 50 more weeks for your images to be a pick of the week here too!
1. Ryan, Age 7
2. Jacob, Age 9
3. Ella, Age 5
4. Isaac, Age 5
5. Lizzie
6. Bradley, Age 13
7. McKenna, Age 8
8. Zoey, Age 3
9. Georgia, Age 4
And for the kid’s … your new themes for week three:
Thank you Annie for picking my shot – am overwhelmed beyond words to be apart of such esteemed company. AND so very excited to find that number 3 and I live in the same town in Australia… Debbie – we really must meet!
Oh Annie all of the kids photo’s are wonderful! What creative little people!