52 Week Photo Project: Week One Wrap Up – Let's Do 52 Challenge With Paint the Moon { Photoshop Actions }
I’m so excited and honored that we have so many new members joining us for the Let’s Do 52 project for 2012. Since last week our group has grown another 1400 amazing and inspiring members! Wow! With over 2700 photographers contributing it was incredibly challenging to select a mere handful of images to showcase here as Picks of the Week. Agonizing, really! 🙂 You are all incredible, and again, I am just so honored you have all chosen to be a part of this journey with me and all the other wonderful photographers in this project. If you’re getting here a little late in the game and just seeing this – no worries! Join anytime!
I will have that little monthly treat for our members available to download in the next week or two. I’ve created a very special FREE album template to place your Let’s Do 52 photos in. Each month (from mid to the end of the month) you’ll receive that month’s page. At the end of the year we’ll all have an album to print or share as you wish – a treasure to commemorate this journey and to remember the beautiful year that 2012 is sure to be!
If you need a refresher on the guidelines and details, please see the original post for the 2012 Let’s Do 52. A couple points to note …
? Photos may be used on the Paint the Moon blog and we are loving all the photos being shared on the Paint the Moon Facebook page Please include any information and/or links you want included in case we feature your photo, including if you’ve used Paint the Moon actions or textures in your editing (though not required).
? Be sure to keep checking in on the Paint the Moon blog and Facebook page for articles, inspiration and the weekly themes! This coming week keep your eye out for the much anticipated article on finding fabulous light and getting eyes to pop with crisp catchlights … and there is an added little challenge assignment to learn and grow with for all your Let’s Do 52 members!
Click here to jump to the Kid’s Click Too group details and picks.
Here is my Let’s Do 52 photo for “Sharing” – Week One. My little loves … they get to share sleep (and snuggles) with us in bed every night. I love our mornings with these girls and frequently find them holding each other even as they sleep. I love capturing these precious little moments (and that incredible bed head hair!). Processed with some new actions I’m working on and a little Wham Bam from Fresh Wonderland 2. Taken in a pretty dark room early in the morning, so my ISO was very high at 1600 … thus the grain and slightly soft focus from a mommy trying to balance without waking the kiddos. 😉
For those who want to show off your commitment to the Let’s Do 52 group (or who have been chosen as a Pick of the Week and want to grab the special button), please see the button page for easy code to copy and past on your blog or site.
Invite all your friends to come join us too … especially with those who have a passion for photography! The more we can get to support and inspire one another the better … pros and amateurs alike. So share the info via your favorite social networks, blogs, Twitter, etc. because the more we get to play along the more fun we’ll all have! There are buttons for all our members who would like to put one on their blog here, and those who have their photos chosen as Picks of the Week can grab the special “Pick of the Week” button to display if you wish. Note: while I love it when people share their participation in the group on their blog or Facebook pages, no blog needed to participate!
See the below talented photographer’s original images posted on Flickr by clicking the corresponding numbered link below (no particular order … and let me say there were TONS of amazing images, so just because these are showcased doesn’t mean all the others weren’t just as wonderful. We have 51 more weeks for your images to be a pick of the week here too!). The themes for week one photos was either Natural or Sharing. Kid’s Click Too group picks and the new themes are below!
1. Kellie
2. Paper Bird Photography
3. Anna Yong
4. Denn? Alise Photography
5. Kelly Colson
6. L. Quinlan
7. Lea – MarcipanCat
8. Stefani Riley
9. Melissa Dawn Photography
10. Pom Vasallo
11. Sara at Chasing Rainbows
12. Amber Gregory
Now let’s get started with week two! For the second week of 2012 the themes/ideas are (pick one or choose your own if you desire … kids themes below under the kid’s picks of the week):
Important links (note that there is also a very special group just for kids so that you may participate in the project as a family):
Original Let’s Do 52 Flickr Group (for us big people)
Original Let’s Do 52 Details (again, for us old folks)
Paint the Moon Facebook Page – Come Share, Be Inspired, Ask Questions
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Flickr Group
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Original Blog Post
And now the kid’s special group (see the original post details here) … I was blown away by the talented of these little budding photographers! Adeline, my six year old is the team leader and selected all the picks for this week herself. Like me, she had a hard time choosing as there were so many amazing images! The themes this last week were Pets and Metal. Some of these young artists even did the editing work themselves with Paint the Moon actions, including my daughter, Adeline. Here is her images for the week, completely photographed and edited by her. She actually growled at me if I offered to lend a hand, LOL! She played along with the adult’s theme of “Natural” as well as the kid’s theme “Metal” (the metal is the tunnel her baby sis is playing in). She used aperture priority mode, selected her own focus point and selected her Paint the Moon actions by herself as well.
By Adeline, age six, for the Kid’s Click Too theme metal (baby sis is in the metal tunnel). She used aperture priority mode, auto focus and selected her Paint the Moon actions by herself (Wham Bam and Fireflies from Fresh Wonderland 2).
And, as Addie said upon viewing image after image submitted by these amazing young photographers … “Whoa, these kids are good!!”
1. Lily Hill, Age 5
2. Ryan Little, Age 4
3. Jo, Age 6
4. Leo, Age 7
5. Toby, Age 8
6. Alahnys, Age 5
7. Gavin, Age 8
And for the kid’s … your new themes for week two:
Thank you Annie for picking mine (no.11) amongst such beautiful entries, it really made my day! Love the girls sharing your bed, reminds me of many mornings in our house. And wow, Adeline’s photos are incredible, you have a very talented little girl there, love the ‘kids click too’ feature!
Wow! Beautiful photos.. 🙂 I love the kids pics so much talent.Way better then I was when I first started..lol Hoping my son will join in too.. 🙂
Well done to those chosen! A few were ones I’d loved so glad they were chosen…well done to those kiddos too! Just amazing shots, I’m an amateur, but feel even more so with these super shots from those 1/3 my age 🙂
Wow, so honored to be picked amongst all these great photos. Thank you! I certainly enjoyed viewing everyone’s interpretations. Blown away with the talent of those kids, too! 🙂
Dear Annie, I’m over the moon! :))
I feel so honored to be included in this collection, thank you! It surely keeps me motivated. 😉
The kids also did a great job, although I’m not suprised at all by the brilliant work of Adeline. Mom’s girl… :)))
Speechless, thank you Annie….I feel truly blessed to be included in the pick of the week. Extremely excited to have my 5 year old join me in this challenge…I love the talent of the kids-amazing!!!
WOW- incredible pics this week- I am blown away by the kid ones especially!!!
Wow… some amazing photos there – what a wonderful selection.
Great job everyone!
My wife accidently purchased the wrong format (PS) I have (PSE9) is there any way to switch ?? I have the purchase number// Annie please help!