{ Photoshop Actions | Here Comes the Sun! | A Styled Family Session }
I know … it’s crazy. Another session with the Manning family so soon already? We had so much fun a couple weeks ago that we headed out again for more (okay, maybe I had most of the fun, but if they dig down deep the rest of the family would admit it wasn’t all that bad for them either). My five year old, Adeline, played stylist with me as I let her pick some of the props and session ideas.
The light was glorious and one of our first sunny days we’ve had here in our little rainy Oregon town in many months. I was able to use one of my favorite go to actions again, Pop My Flare! from the Fresh set. For Elements users lusting after this action, look for the upcoming Fresh Wonderland II set which will give PSE users all the actions they’ve been missing out on from the Fresh and Wonderland sets. I also used a good heaping of Picture Perfect with a little Moxie and Coffee House mixed in. So much fun! I’ll be posting some recipes and tips from both this session and the last family session in the coming week … possibly even a video tutorial and tips on sun flare!
I have SO many photos from this shoot, but I didn’t want to bombard everyone with a photo overload. So, look for the second part of this post to be up this weekend with the other half of this session’s photos. For the photographers out there interested, these were taken with a Nikon D700 and either my Nikon 35mm 1.4G lens or my 85mm 1.4G. Most were taken at f1.4, with the exception of a couple family shots at f2.5.

your husband is terribly photogenic aswell…. it’s nice that he like to be a part of the photos:)
Oh, the one with Scott kissing Eliza June. swoon…..
Wow!!! My favorite session ever! <3
Beautiful. Sunrise, sunset or what time od day? I would love to know. The light is BEAUTIFUL(and so is your family)
Sunset … we were scrambling as the sun was disappearing! 🙂 Thank you so much!
Please, NEVER apologize for sharing your family images. They are filled with such love and joy…always bringing a smile to my face, as I am sure to everyone else’s as well. Thank you so much!
Kindest regards,
Judy Thompson