Photoshop Actions | Week 13 of the Let?s Do 52 Project ? Paint the Moon | Join Anytime!
So, you may have noticed that with the new Exclusive Facebook Freebie – Polish and Protect Tiny FB Edition release, the Studio Spotlight, and my getting the final touches done on the much anticipated release of Picture Perfect for PSE this coming Friday, our Let’s Do 52 Week post got lost in the shuffle last week. We’ll be making up for it in this post and apologize for those who have been waiting! Remember that our themes are always posted on the Flickr group page in the front page’s gray box. But we don’t plan on letting a post slip by again … look for it from now on to be posting on Sunday (I want to give everyone a chance to get their images in so you all have a chance at being picked for the Picks of the Week).
This past two week’s ideas were so much fun with everyone’s different takes on the themes. You can see this last two week’s picks below … your image may be there next week! Don’t forget to pick up the Let’s Do 52 buttons for your blog … both for playing along and for those of you featured on the blog as a Pick of the Week.
If you haven’t already please come join us!! Feel free to jump in at any time … no requirements except shooting and posting a photo a week in the group. Check out some more information and tips here at the original post. Be sure to come to our Facebook page, there is always lots of activity going on and you’ll find much support, information and inspiration to be had (not to mention exclusive freebies and offers rotated regularly).
Join our new group, Let’s Do 52. Anyone is welcome, join anytime.
Our themes for week thirteen are connect … and softness.
Keep in mind that either of those words could take you to very different places with your photos depending on how you interpret them.
Be as abstract or literal as you want.
In order to grow our community and get more people playing along and supporting one another, please blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and invite others to join the fun! We also have some fun blog buttons for you to share your project with others, including a “Pick of the Week” banner for those featured on the blog!
And now for just a small sampling of some of the incredible posts for weeks eleven and twelve of Let’s Do 52 … click on image for photographer’s Flickr listing and credits. Your photo could be in next week’s picks!
These photos are all by members of our Flickr group, Let’s Do 52. Click on image for credit … these are not Paint the Moon photos.
Oh My Goodness! What a treat, I can’t believe I made it. Thanks Annie!
another OMG !! thank you so much for including my image above…..its made my year !!
Thanks so much for choosing one of my images for your blog… means a lot!