Photoshop Actions Let's Do 52 Week 11 – Join Anytime | Paint the Moon
This past week’s ideas were so much fun with everyone’s different takes on the themes. You can see this week’s picks below … your image may be there next week! Don’t forget to pick up the Let’s Do 52 buttons for your blog … both for playing along and for those of you featured on the blog as a Pick of the Week.
If you haven’t already please come join us!! Feel free to jump in at any time … no requirements except shooting and posting a photo a week in the group. Check out some more information and tips here at the original post. Be sure to come to our Facebook page, there is always lots of activity going on and you’ll find much support, information and inspiration to be had (not to mention exclusive freebies and offers from time to time). A new freebie will be going up this week that you’ll adore if you enjoy posting your images online and on Facebook. Also, check back here this week for the first post in the MUCH awaited studio series … some of you have been very anxious (some patient, some not so patient, lol) as my IT guys worked out some kinks in the site. I am happy to report that we are now on a brand new server and there shouldn’t be any more down time or crashes that have happened lately due to overwhelming traffic (which I love the traffic, just not the crashes). I’m also working on a fabulous giveaway to celebrate my one year anniversary next month … so stay tuned!
Join our new group, Let’s Do 52. Anyone is welcome, join anytime.
Our ideas for week four are power and up. Keep in mind that either of those words could take you to very different places with your photos depending on how you interpret them. Be as abstract or literal as you want.
In order to grow our community and get more people playing along and supporting one another, please blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and invite others to join the fun! We also have some fun blog buttons for you to share your project with others, including a “Pick of the Week” banner for those featured on the blog!
And now for just a small sampling of some of the incredible posts for week ten of Let’s Do 52 … click on image for photographer’s Flickr listing and credits. To join in all you need is a camera … whether you are a serious professional or you’re using an iPhone for fun (check out the iPhone image in this week’s picks!), everyone is welcome! Your photo could be in next week’s picks!

Hi! I’m just getting started in photography and have been playing with actions in photoshop. Do you always start with a raw file and then apply the actions or do you start with the standard .jpg? I want to get good with the free ones I’ve found before buying yours!
Hi, Tanya! I usually have my RAW file in Lightroom and then open it in Photoshop and work with TIF files in my workflow to prevent quality loss, but JPEG images are just fine too. You may start with a RAW image if you wish (technically it’s not RAW after opening it in PS or PSE because it will be processed once you open it), or a JPEG or a TIFF … they will work with any file type. 🙂 Thanks!
oh my god i just found out this blog and it’s awesomee 😀
Thank you! 🙂
thanks for my feature! :):):) MWAH!
Thanks Annie, you’re awesome! 😀