Step by Step Picture Perfect Processing | Photoshop Actions Paint the Moon
Yes, I am working on the Elements version of Picture Perfect … hopefully it will be released sometime early next year!
Tags: paint the moon actions, Photoshop Actions, Photoshop Actions for Photographers, photoshop tips, photoshop tutorials, retouching, skin
For sooo long it seemed that if you didn’t know the Special Handshake you weren’t allowed to know or even learn how to process photos “like the professionals.” But, Annie, you’ve now brought it to The Masses so that even we amateurs can create beautiful works of art (just like you say) with our images. Thank you for letting me in.
Oh, I forgot to say, I’ll be holding on to my Christmas $$ so I can get the Elements version of Picture Perfect when you release it. Now, take a break and enjoy this Christmas season with your family.
So excited for the Elements version of Picture Perfect!! It actually is on my Christmas list 🙂
Hi Annie I soooooo agree with what Dee has said previously. Thankyou! ps I really love the step by step recipes really helps those of us who are still new to photoshop.