The Incredible Giveaway Vendors # 5 | Photoshop Actions Elements Textures
I can’t wait to introduce today’s vendor!! Make sure to view the details, rules and awesomeness of The INCREDIBLE Giveaway featuring over $1100 in prizes so you don’t miss out … (Suggest our Facebook page to friends to earn extra entries)! And be sure to check in on our Facebook page for fun surprise giveaways, freebies and more!
Today’s special vendor is Lil Blu Boo. I fell in love with her hip custom clothing immediately and then fell in love all over again when I visited her wonderful blog … so many fun things to do and see there! And then I got to know the super sweet Ashley and her amazing partner, Lisa, and I am just so thrilled to have found Lil Blue Boo! Check out her fresh new camera design dresses in the sneak peek below … how cool is that?? I just did a photo session with my little girl wearing our new made to order LBB dress (with a horse, of course) and I’ll be sharing those tomorrow. Her creative and colorful designs are perfect for helping create gorgeous photos! Next on my list is ordering our custom LBB dress made from my own t-shirt! How great to have a custom, handmade dress made from one of your treasured concert tees or what have you. Now I can finally show off my old Bright Eyes tee shirt that is, ahem, just a bit too tight these days, LOL. Ashley is donating $50 towards any custom clothing purchase for the Incredible Giveaway! A little more about Lil Blue Boo and Ashley:
The Lil Blue Boo blog is where Ashley’s love of designing, sewing, painting, power tools and motherhood all intersect…..patterns, tutorials, photos, t-shirts, tantrums, beads, rocks, buttons, fabric, leaves, thread, ribbon, paint, dye, paper, tape, wood … if only there were more hours in the day! Lil Blue Boo is all about encouraging others to find their creative streak. The Lil Blue Boo clothing line grew out of Ashley’s love of new and reclaimed knits and embellishing them with screen prints, dye and transfers. Her passion is coming up with unique one-of-a-kind knit clothing for both boys and girls sizes 6 months to adult.
Become a fan of Lil Blue Boo on Facebook and earn an extra entry in the INCREDIBLE giveaway! You MUST post HERE and say you’re a fan of Lil Blue Boo (for the entry to count (you must also “like” Paint the Moon for the original entry as well)!
Thank you for everyone’s amazing participation … I’m having so much fun sharing with everyone!! The more participation we have, the more goodies I’m going to share! Many more SURPRISES and fun to come!! Don’t forget to check in on our Facebook page for surprise games and prizes!
Tags: elements actions, giveaway, Incredible Giveaway, overlays, paint the moon actions, Photoshop Actions, Photoshop Actions for Photographers, photoshop textures, photoshop tutorials
Just became a fan of lil blu boo!
Oooooh i joined lil blue boo, amazing stuff, I can tell why you love it :))
Became a fan of Lil Blu Boo! What awesome clothes!
Became a fan of Lil Blue Boo!
I LOVE Lil Blue Boo! I saw this because of her facebook! 🙂
I am already a fan of Lil Blue Boo! What cute clothes!!
I am a long time fan of Li’l Blue Boo and am so very grateful to have found you! just “liked” your page 🙂
I saw this on LBB…I love her stuff! I am also “liking” paint the moon!!!!!!!!!!
I am really excited about this! I “like” Paint the Moon on Facebook.
I “like” Lil Blue Boo on Facebook. I have been following Ashley for a while. LOVE her dresses.
Gladly “liked” them – totally cute!!
So cute!! KGB is great!
Fan of LBB on FB – along with PTM.
I meant LBB. My iPad messed that up.
new fan of paint the moon!!
already a fan of LBB!
I liked Lil Blu Boo on Facebook!
We love, love, love LBB 😀
Already like your fb page 🙂
Just ‘liked’ Paint the Moon too!
Just became a fan of Lil Blue Boo on fb! They have some awesome designs!
I’m a fan of LBB. Also “liked” Paint the Moon.
im a fan of lil blue boo
Just became a fan of Little Blu Boo. CUTE stuff!
Already a fan of ‘paint the moon’
Already a fan of LBB, Ashley is AWESOME!
I am a fan of Lil Blu Boo!
i have been a fan of lil blue boo for a long time! love her clothes and her blog!
I’m a fan of both!
Love LBB and found you through her latest photography tutorials! Great guest spot, by the way. Never knew so much fun stuff could be done with photos – bad shots can be saved and be beautifully remade!!;)
Thanks for the fun give away!!