52 Week Photo Project: Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! { with Paint the Moon Photoshop actions }
Kids never cease to amaze me. They are often wise beyond their years and see the world from a vantage point we taller humans aren’t fortunate enough to see. Being able to “see” the world through their unique perspective is amazing and inspiring … and I love sharing my love of photography and what I know about the art and science of photography with little ones. This group is just for the kids … and is created to bring families together this year, to enjoy the excitement and challenge of taking photos together, learn a little along the way as you all grow in your journey and most of all is going to be FUN!
Upon asking my six year old if she would like to participate in the Paint the Moon "Let’s Do 52" project, she amazed me by suggesting we do a kids only "Let’s Do 52." Apparently she thinks that besides herself (her words) there are some great kid photographers out there, and they should most definitely have their very own 52 week photo project all to themselves. I immediately agreed with her. So, starting this week, we are starting the "Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too!"
For adults who want to join the project and stretch their own creative wings … Find the original Let’s Do 52 Project for us old folks in full swing here with new members and images pouring in … and the original Flickr group here).
This project is for kids and by kids (yes, I’ll be moderating). Basically the same rules apply as the adults group … with twists for the younger set and themes picked by my daughter and other kid members of the group. There will be challenges throughout the year, and also as a few fun games with prizes as well to keep it even more exciting for the kids.
Please note that the spot for sharing images for the Kid’s Click Too project is in our Flickr group – not Facebook. Please upload and share your images in the Flickr group created especially for the Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! members: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ptmkids. Feel free to post under your own account if you wish and just mark who the photo is by. Even the “moderators” there are kids … we are going to be sure everyone is encouraged and supported in their project!
Photography is obviously a passion of mine and I am thrilled to be able to share this passion with my little girls. In this group our kids can grow in their confidence level behind the camera, learn about photography and camera basics and most of all – HAVE FUN!! I’m hoping this will be an inspiring source to help in bringing parents and kids together to go on this exciting journey together … and you just might find that with their new found skills behind the camera that they are much happier actually being in front of the lens when it comes time for you to do your own shooting.
I hope you will join us! The Kids Click Too Flickr group is brand spankin’ new and I encourage you to head over and join up, then grab your kids and go take some photos together! How fun will it be to share all that quality time together while working on your fun projects together?
Here is the first week’s theme (and if you’re a little late posting this one, no worries … I know we started a little late this week!):
A few basic guidelines and pointers …
? We’ll have fun themes every week (two to choose from), but you can choose whether to follow along with the theme or go on your own.
? Post a photo each week … and feel free to join us at any time! You can find our Flickr group to post images to here. This is about fun and encouraging kids to start learning the art and science of photography, so while we encourage a photo a week, let’s keep our little budding photographers from burning out if they decide they aren’t up to the job one week here and there.
? Whatever you use to take photos for your project, it’s up to you. And no special processing necessary.
? Images will need to be approved first, so there may be a slight lag in the time you see it pop up in the pool.
? Photos may be used on the Paint the Moon blog as a Pick of the Week. Please include any information you want included in case we feature your photo.
? Be sure to keep checking in on the Paint the Moon blog for articles, inspiration and the weekly themes (for kids by kids … the Kids Click Too group will have their own themes and challenges)!
? Invite all your friends to come join us too … especially with those who have children with a passion for photography or a desire to teach their kids about photography! The more we can get to support and inspire one another the better … pros and amateurs alike. So share the info via your favorite social networks, blogs, Twitter, etc. because the more we get to play along the more fun we’ll all have!
? If there is a special meaning behind your child’s image please share it … let’s hear their stories! Encourage them to open up and talk about why they took a certain photo and why they love it.
Important links:
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Flickr Group
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Original Blog Post
Original Let’s Do 52 Flickr Group (for us big people)
Original Let’s Do 52 Details (again, for us old folks)
Make sure to grab a button to show off on your blog (click to go to the page where you can copy the code to easily add the button automatically)!
So in! Just gave my 6 yr old my Nikon D100 and she has been so much fun with it!
Sounds fun!!
My Son is in – thanks – just need to find where it says this weeks theme…
We’re in! I have a 6 year old son who loves to take pictures!
Count my kiddos in
I have a 12 year son old and a 6 year old daughter. 🙂 they are both interested!
My daughter Emily, age 8 (9 in April) is in. Hope it’s ok to use my Flickr acct name. Looks like fun! First theme is Listen Up? Is that correct? Thanks for giving her this opportunity!
I’ll check with them both after school, but I know my son will want to and pretty sure my daughter will too. Love, love, love this idea!!!
my daughter will love this!
Love the idea. I have a 4 year old that might be up for it. She may be a bit young yet but we’ll give it a try. such a good idea!
I can’t wait to tell my daughter about this idea. I’m already involved in a 365 day and 52 week project, so I’m excited she can do something as well 🙂
Great idea!!
My daughters are in! 🙂
I’m In!!!!!!!!!!
Define “kid”…my daughter is a mature 14 year old who looks me precisely in the eye (this week!). Should I encourage her to head to the kids one or the adult one? I suspect she’ll do whatever theme she likes better…but thought I’d see what you (and Adeline) preferred as far as “kids” were concerned. Thanks
Hi, Deb! That totally depends on your daughter. I know if you would have asked me at 14 which group I’d like to be in I would have most certainly said the adult group and then promptly rolled my eyes at you. LOL! I think a 14 year old would be perfectly at home in the adult group if that is what is comfortable for her, especially if you’ll be doing the project alongside her. 🙂
I think this would be fun. Gonna try and add it in to our homeschool day.
Oh my gosh, I’m so excited about this. I just gave my 8 yr old son a Kodak EasyShare camera for Christmas. Nothing too fancy, but priced just right for a first camera. My hope was that he (being high functioning autistic) would find new ways to view the world and to express himself. This is such a great idea! I can’t wait to tell him, I think he will be super excited. Thank you so much for this!!
We are very excited. Adrianna is only 4 but looking forward to this..
I told my 9 year old daughter about this today and she is so excited! We are so happy to be a part of this! Thanks for including the kiddos! What a fabulous idea Addie!
My 5 year old daughter, Ava, and 7 year old son, Ryan, are excited to join. Great idea, thank you!!!!
My 5 year old son Albert is in!
My daughter is SO excited to join in the fun!!! :o)
My daughter Gretchen is excited to get started. She’s 7 years old.
Annie and Addie, this is SUCH a BRILLIANT idea! I’m so excited that I’ll get to view the world through a kids eyes again! And I know that Brady, my 4 year old who loves it when I pull out my camera and begs me to let him take pictures too, will be thrilled!
My daughter saw what I was doing and now she wants to join! So glad that you have a kid friendly version! Great thinkng!
Hi Anne,
I’m from Indonesia and I really love your work.
Where can I download your free PS action Jubilee ? I was searching on your FB page, but I could not find it. Thanks.