New Feature – Step by Step | Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions, Textures, Tutorials
This is going to be a new feature on the site that involves all of you as well! I am frequently asked to help out with customer’s images, editing them as I would normally do using my actions. This helps them to see the potential their photo has, as well as see the actions in action, if you will. I thought it would be fun to make this a public feature and showcase some of your photos with Paint the Moon editing done, giving you all a glimpse of what steps I took to edit them and usually providing several examples of a finished image.
If you would like to participate, please send me your SOOC image at [email protected]. I will choose a couple of images to edit and showcase here each week. But that’s not all … everyone who submits a photo this week and is chosen as the Step by Step Showcase for next week will receive a $15 gift card to the store!! Everyone else who participates will receive a discount code towards my whole store. When you submit your image, please make sure it is a high resolution, straight out of camera shot, and please only submit one photo each week with the title “Step by Step” in your subject line of the email. If you have a particular look or edit in mind (especially if you are interested in seeing PSE edits only), be sure to mention that too! 🙂
Here is the first Step by Step showcase image … submitted by Shay Chic Photography, and what a beauty it is!
And the final before and after that I happened to like best:
The action sets listed and used in these edits are The Essentials, Miracle Makeover, Fresh and Tillie’s Attic.
Tags: paint the moon actions, Photoshop Actions for Photographers, photoshop tutorials
Gorgeous, Annie!
This is so amazing. Thank you soooo much!! <3
LOVE IT!! Keep ’em coming!! Thanks, Annie!
This is great; I wish you had some for PSE 8 though.
Thank you, guys … it should be fun!
Cynthia … I do indeed have actions for PSE 8. Just look under Buy PSE Compatible Actions and there are several available for Elements. 🙂
Great idea! I look forward to this. Love that Rocky Road!
Hi Annie, just wanted to let you know this is a wonderful idea and I’m excited to see what you do to everyone’s photos 😀 also, just a note, I sent you a photo and you must have an automated response email, but the one I got was blank…
I agree that it’s the one I love best! Beautiful!
I had the same problem as Jessica. I received a blank email too. Just thought I’d let you know. 🙂
Oh Annie, what a brilliant idea and such a stunning and adorable photo to start it all too. I looooove your actions and I can’t wait to see them in the works on here. Big high five Sweetie! xoxo
What a fun idea – love your edit on this little one. Beautiful.
hi! I just wanted to let you know that your ad is up on my blog 🙂 Thanks so much!!!
thank you so much!! i LOVE these step by step edits! it really teaches me how to use my actions to make the most of ’em! thank you!!! i’d love to see more!
Thanks so much for all of your amazing actions especially the PSE ones which are so hard to find!
I’m new to your site and have tagged you as one of my favs on my blog…I’m really inspired by your work and love this idea! will be checking back regularly 🙂
Thank you! This was fun to see! 🙂 Love your work!
I had to post again.
My family nor pets have eaten in days due to the fact I can not get enough of paint the moon. Hee hee(just kiddin.they wouldn stand for that but truely I’ve done no housework to speek of:)
Here is what I’ve been lookin for
Beautifully done!
I could shout it from the roof top”I love paint the moon and annie” but only the horses would hear 😉
love that u don’t apologize for ur kids! Family first my friend
keepin rockin those actions and I will keep buyin
brandy in sc
I love all ur action names and fly on the wall” annie isums”
Are u from the south all sounds familiar 🙂