This Is Our Life Project – Week 1 Wrap Up
What an amazing first week … all of the member’s submissions just blew me away, the response to the group has been awesome and it’s made me even more excited to spend the rest of the year participating in this project with you all! If you haven’t joined up yet, it’s never too late – so please do so! Looking through the images in the group pool has been so inspiring and even more than that, heart touching. I love seeing so many precious memories being captured and cherished!
Don’t forget to tell others about your participating in the group … the more inspiration and support the better! And share your project images on our Paint the Moon Facebook wall … come share, be inspired, and ask questions!
For those wanting to find out more details or if you are just interested in lifestyle photography in general and want some helpful tips and examples, please check out the master post for This Is Our Life.
For my first week in the This Is Our Life project I decided to focus on the part of our evening routine that is a little outside the norm. Sure, our family cherishes all the sweet moments at night with the girls that involve telling stories, reading books, tons of snuggles, etc … and we surely have the part of our routine that my girls are a little less than excited about, like brushing teeth, taking baths, putting jammies on, etc. But one of our favorite times in the evening after dinner is turning on some loud music to dance and be goofy to. All four of us always get silly together and, yes, we all (my husband and myself included) don our super hero capes (or pirate outfits or princess tutus or whatever the kiddos are in the mood for) and boogie with the girls. You can see our “no jumping on the sofa” rule went out the window long ago – it’s much more fun without it! Getting all this energy out every night helps us all have fun together and hopefully get the girls last bit of wiggles out before jumping into bed for family cuddle time.
Edited with Luminosity actions – Luminous, Petal Soft, Adeline and Film Haze. Taken with a Nikon 24mm 1.4G lens at ISO 1250, f1.4, 1/200 second. Definitely not a perfect shot technically … but perfect enough to me because of the moment it captures. 🙂
Before we get to the featured images of the week, here is the prompt for week two of the This Is Our Life project (This Makes Me Laugh). Think outside the box here and interpret as you wish – smiles and laughing faces are beautiful, but also consider little things that make you smile inside or laugh so loud you need to catch your breath. What makes you laugh??
Keep it up … this will be a regular feature on the blog! Be sure to grab your buttons for your own blogs to show off that you are taking part in the group and for those who are featured you’ll find special buttons as well. 🙂
And now to our first round up of featured images from the member pool for This Is Our Life are below. Remember that this is just a “random picks” grouping – not a contest of any sort or a “best of.” There were an overwhelming number of amazing and touching images submitted and it was so difficult just picking a few to feature! See the original photo post by clicking the corresponding number link below the collage.
1. Steph Anderson Photography, 2. Moodx2, 3. Lauren Louise Photography, 4. A Mae Photography, 5. Megann Robinson, 6. Jez Photos, 7. Lincoln Street Photography, 8. Carla Grassy, 9. Amy Rod, 10. Erin Beck Photography, 11. Lindy Pfaff, 12. Rana Watt, 13. Beautiful Dreamer (Rachel), 14. Eva Ricci Studio, 15. Three Flowers Photography
And now for our regular Let’s Do 52 photo project wrap up! The themes this week one were “A View From My Window” and “Bumpy.”
Here are the featured images of the week …
1. Falynn Dial Photography, 2. Catherine Larsson Lubbat, 3. Brandi Lee Photography, 4. Lincoln Street Photography, 5. Awake My Soul Photography, 6. Lorien,
7. mamen, 8. Meg M.Thomas Photography
And the week two themes for the Let’s Do 52 group are “Imperfection or All Lined Up.” Remember to put your own spin on themes and think outside the box. For instance, all lined up can be as straight forward as rubber duckies in a row – or you can go with the curvy lines of a pregnant belly. 🙂
All the links …
Paint the Moon {this is our life} Flickr Group
Regular Let’s Do 52 Flickr Group
Original post with details for the Let’s Do 52
Share your project images on our Paint the Moon Facebook wall … come Share, be inspired, and ask questions!
Tags: 52 weeks, Let's Do 52, photography tips, Photoshop Actions for Photographers, this is our life