52 Week Photo Project: Week Six Wrap Up – Let's Do 52 Challenge With Paint the Moon { Photoshop Actions }
Thank you all for the wonderful submissions this week. You continue to out do yourselves. The submissions for both themes were wonderful which made it very difficult to select the Picks of the Week. The ‘Linear” shots were striking, and I was amazed at all the unique and fun submissions. I can’t tell you how many times I had people tell me that once they started looking for linear subjects, they couldn’t believe how surrounded they were with designs that fall into the linear theme.
And as a mother of two little ones myself, I can most definitely relate to the chaos many of you captured. It’s a great reminder that we are not alone and there is at least a little chaos around each of us. Thank you again for the great submissions and I cannot wait to see your submissions this week!
My entry for the week started out as the “Linear” theme when we were walking downtown and spotted this beat up old wall with some great lines in the design. Note to my husband … see, I told you it was important for me to take my camera bag along with us to the furniture store! 😉 But it ended up a bit more of the “Chaos” theme when my girls got silly on me and happily would not cooperate with any request for “just one” shot that didn’t include tongues out or rabbit ears. LOL! And I love it just the way it is!!
Listed below are the links to the photographer’s original images posted on Flickr. Click the corresponding numbered link below (in no particular order – note that this is not a contest or “best of”). The theme for week six photos was either Topsy Turvy (chaos) or Linear.
1. Choco Photo Photography
2. Dana Leigh Photography
3. Carla Elaine Photography
4. Rachael Meldrum
5. Emily Eliason
6. White Linen Photography
7. Becca Wohlwinder
8. Meg Thomas
9. Liv Jacobson Photography
The themes/ideas are below for the seventh week of 2012.
If you need a refresher on the guidelines and details … please see the original post for the 2012 Let’s Do 52.
• I love all the photos being shared on the Paint the Moon Facebook page and invite anyone involved with the group to come share too!
• Be sure to keep checking in on the Paint the Moon blog and Facebook page for articles, inspiration and the weekly themes! More new video tutorials being posted every week and don’t forget about the What’s In My Bag feature if you haven’t checked it out yet!
We’re going to try moving the Kid’s Click Too group over to a Picks of the Month format, so look for the monthly blog post featuring the kid’s picks at the beginning of each month (themes will still be posted weekly here and on Flickr … so be sure to keep clicking and posting!!). For the kid’s … your new themes for week seven:
Important Let’s Do 52 Links:
Original Let’s Do 52 Flickr Group
Original Let’s Do 52 Details (again, for us old folks)
Paint the Moon Facebook Page – Come Share, Be Inspired, Ask Questions
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Flickr Group
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Original Blog Post
this is just great!! will try…thank you! your photos are amazing! so beautiful
yay! thanks so much for selecting my photo as one of the picks of the week! Such an honor!
I LOVE everything you do…not kidding (not just talking photography here). you and your girls as so so sweet. where do you find all of their sweet little clothes?! love everything you put them in!