PSE Actions – Picture Perfect Mega Set for Elements Arrives!! | Paint the Moon
The wait is finally over … Picture Perfect Portrait Mega Action Set (wow, that’s a mouthful!) is now available to Elements users! Now PSE users can enjoy the same powerful and beautiful (and easy to use!) actions that everyone’s been raving about for months. Truly a MEGA set including over 55 actions to take your photos to the next level.
This unique set of extraordinary actions includes a ton of color correcting and perfecting actions, a wide array of unique and creative artistic actions, workflow essentials with a twist, unique skin smoothing and retouching actions to create a natural glow, and so, so much more!! Look for video tutorials using this new set in Elements to be posted over the next few days to help you make the most of Picture Perfect. Also included is a tips and details list for all the actions included.
YAY!! I have been waiting!
Woot Woot…I’m so excited Annie 🙂 Thank you so much for taking your time to put this fabulous set together 🙂 Big HUG…smiles Ivonne
hey Annie
I’m afraid my emails may not be getting to you so I thought I’d comment here. I’d love to see the photos of penelope…give me a call or email me
Hi, Arin! Emailing you now, dear! 🙂
ooh! i love those before/after frames
I am likin’ this PSE set, however I am a little timid because I am just starting out and haven’t purchased any actions-at all! Can someone (Annie) give me some feedback, sometimes I throw $80 around and the it is not worth it!
Will I truly love these or do you have another suggestion?
Thanks-just need a little boost!!
I would highly recommend this set to start out with. I’ve designed it to not only be very powerful, but also very user friendly. And it will get you started with an impressive arsenal of tools to work with. 🙂
I’m a little frustrated I just bought the picture perfect set for pse and went through all the steps and once i got to the building contents and effects and it says it does not recognize the file. I have elements 6! Need help, Thank you!
Just emailed you, Heather! It sounds like (from your email) you may have installed the wrong files. Email me back and I’ll take care of you right away, dear. 🙂
I love all your actions and textures I can’t pick just one!!