Photoshop Actions – 52 Week Photo Project: Week Eight Wrap Up – Let's Do 52 Challenge With Paint the Moon
Thank you all once again for an amazing week of images. The themes this week were very subjective, and I was impressed with how well you all did finding unique and clever ways to fulfill the theme. While the name would suggest otherwise, “simplicity” is not always that … ummm … simple to capture well. I loved how many of you were able to capture and enjoy recognizing how simple little things in our lives make such a huge impact to us.
There is a saying I have seen that says, “Enjoy the little things in life, for some day you will look back and realize they were the big things.” (quote by Robert Brault) Evening walks in the sun with my girls, husband and dog. Feeling my baby’s breath on my shoulder while she naps and being blessed enough to nurse her to sleep every time she drifts off. The way my daughter’s face lights up with joy when I clap my hands together and say, “Let’s build a fort!!” The dimples on my baby’s chubby, squishy and precious knees, hands and toes. Hearing my older daughter talk to her baby sister in a hushed voice, thinking I’m not listening and as she says, “Our mommy is the sweetest, prettiest mommy ever – we are really lucky. She’s going to teach you really cool things just like she did with me,” and topping it of by calling her sister “Honey.” Watching Adeline brush our horse and sneak her peppermints before walking her back out to the pasture after a long ride. Being silly and jumping on the bed with my family and hearing the giggles filling up our little home. These are the little details that I cherish and revel in every day – simple, beautiful, pure joy.
And while there were far fewer images submitted for “Game On,” they were every bit as fun to look through. I loved seeing families playing together, and children being so active. It looks like you all know how to have a lot of fun! Thank you again and I can’t wait to see what you all have in store this week!
My week eight photo for Simplicity was taken during one of our evening walks that have been on hiatus during the rainy, cold winter we’ve been having. Enjoying simple things like a walk with the family in the sun we’ve been missing so much is one of those simple pleasures that make life beautiful. Watching my little girls play together and care for each other is something I’ll never tire of.
And I am totally going against my rule of picking only one photo for each week/theme … don’t shoot me! But I took another photo for the theme Simplicity. Most of my images come from my desire to stir emotion, to capture memories and help bring back some of the feeling of the moment … but this one is just for fun. A quiet little corner where my daughter, Adeline, and I curl up to read together (and joined by the considerably less quiet Eliza Junebug). You can see tulips are still making their appearance in our home … I love the simple beauty they add, but I’m longing for some lush, wild peonies to fill my mason jars and vases throughout the house. We just bought dozens and dozens of new summer bulbs for some Ranunculus and Anemones, and I’m itching to start planting seeds and new flowers in the garden – come on spring!
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And just one more photo that is unrelated to anything else here, but I got such a kick out of it that I wanted to share it with you. Apple rule #1: Do not leave your iPhone or iPad unattended or the fun size people will hijack them! 😉 She was actually peeking at photos of her sister at a horse show – and as you can see thoroughly mesmerized.
Listed below are the links to the photographer’s original images posted on Flickr. Click the corresponding numbered link below (in no particular order – note that this is not a contest or “best of”). The theme for week six photos was either Simplicity or Game On!
1. Marcipan Photography
2. mQn Photography
3. Julie Carrow
4. Summer Murdock
5. Dana Leigh Photography
6. Katie Walker Photography
7. Carolyn Rangel Photography
8. Nyka Photography
9. Andrea Janes
The themes/ideas are below for the eighth week of 2012.
For the Framed theme, I will have a blog post up here in the next day or two that shows examples and talks more about the concept of using framing within your photo to guide the eye to your subject, to create a more dynamic composition and much more.
If you need a refresher on the guidelines and details … please see the original post for the 2012 Let’s Do 52.
• I love all the photos being shared on the Paint the Moon Facebook page and invite anyone involved with the group to come share too!
• Be sure to keep checking in on the Paint the Moon blog and Facebook page for articles, inspiration and the weekly themes! In the next day or two you’ll see the post here describing the Framed theme along with plenty of examples and tips.
• For those looking for the free Let’s Do 52 project album pages … check back this week for several different versions for both February and January. January threw me for a loop with the five weeks – leaving me wondering how I would possibly cover all the different combinations of horizontal to vertical ratios all our members might have to put on a page. Without having to create a dozen different template designs I’ve hopefully designed enough of a variation for make them work for everyone. There is also a very special freebie coming to the Facebook page later this week if everything works out as planned! So, stick around for some fabulous things!
We’re going to try moving the Kid’s Click Too group over to a Picks of the Month format, so look for the monthly blog post featuring the kid’s picks at the beginning of each month (themes will still be posted weekly here and on Flickr … so be sure to keep clicking and posting!!). For the kid’s … your new themes for week eight are Wavy or Three.
Here is Adeline’s photo for both themes combined for last week. She set everything up herself, shot in aperture priority mode using a Nikon 105mm 2.8 Macro lens and then did the edit using Paint the Moon actions. She even cloned a sequin out herself that she thought looked “messy.” She’s getting way too good at this stuff!!
Important Let’s Do 52 Links:
Original Let’s Do 52 Flickr Group
Original Let’s Do 52 Details (again, for us old folks)
Paint the Moon Facebook Page – Come Share, Be Inspired, Ask Questions
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Flickr Group
Let’s Do 52 – Kids Click Too! Original Blog Post
Omg. Adeline’s comment about bokeh <3
Love this challenge! I am learning so much and look forward to seeing your photo every week! (btw, your allowed to break your own rules! 🙂 love both your photos! Also love Adelines photo.. LOve that she talks “photography” talk! Thank you for recognizing my entry this week. It is truly such an honor!
Thanks for another great post! I look forward to viewing your blog each week. I love all the photos. The shot of the girls walking in the sun is gorgeous and please tell Adeline I think she did a fantastic job on her picture!
Thanks again for the timeline covers Annie! You are the best!!!
omg annie, please tell me where can i find the boots eliza is wearing in the bed picture! ive been looking for boots like those for my baby girl and cant find anywhere!!