Photoshop Actions | Autumn magic and hidden toadstools
Great moments begging to be captured with photos pop up when you least expect them.
You never know when you might come across a little patch of enchanted toadstools flourishing by a stream. Then add two little girls who were giddy about the crunchy, fallen leaves, the excitement from chasing playing with the ducks and the discovery of mushrooms and you’ve got yourself a wonderful little mini session. It’s times like these when I’m so happy that I lug my camera around with me everywhere we go (even just grabbing a bite to eat downtown as we had been here). Okay, my husband just made me add that most of the time he lugs around the giant camera bag and I only hold onto the camera … you can see the pretty turquoise strap over his shoulder in some of the photos. 😉
Everything processed with Velvet Retro from Picture Perfect (45%), Fireflies from Fresh Wonderland 2 (35%) and Blue Raspberry from Wonderland (20%) (for PSE users Blue Raspberry is also in Fresh Wonderland 2). For those interested: everything was taken with a Nikon 135mm 2.0 lens … settings varied according to the light, but the aperture was kept at f2.0 for every shot. Depending on lighting the ISO was anywhere from 250 to 400, and the shutter speed from 1/320 to 1/1000. 🙂
My little girl, Adeline, is looking closely for evidence of fairies around the mushrooms. We’re big believers in fairies and pixies around here.
WOW…. you truly are one talented lady, not only do you make beautiful babies, but you photograph them in the most magical way possible. Such a treat everytime I visit your beautiful blog. xox
Your pictures are the best I have seen yet!!! They are AMAZING! 🙂 Did you use textures on the pictures above, photoshop, or any other editing software? Im trying to find the tutorials you have but Im not able to locate them as of right now. Awesome job on your pics!!!! Keep up the good work!
I love these photographs! I love how clear they are! Do you use a particular template to arrange them? Your work makes me smile! (A lot!!!)
Annie these are so beautiful. I was right there with the little ones, positive there was a fairy hiding close by. I LOVE the picture of Daddy (very nice looking too btw) holding the baby looking directly at the camera. To me the little one’s expression is saying “Yeah…hes MY daddy. You got something to say about that??”
LOVE love LOVE love these! Completely and utterly amazing! …oh and is the an Epiphanie ‘Belle’ bag in turquoise that your hubby is holding? If so Im completely jealous, I want that bag…and a hubby man enough to carry it for me! lol
Also am I right in assuming that your handsome hubby took some of these images as well?{the ones that you are in with your beautiful girls?} if so, props for hubby too!
Hey Annie! I follow you on Facebook primarily, but just wanted to leave a comment on how much I enjoyed these shots. I’m always fascinated with how you maintain such laser sharp focus in all your shots. Do you have any tips for a person just getting started? Do you primarily focus manually? Are you constantly changing your auto focus modes? How do YOU do it?
What an awesome shoot!! My favorite shot is the one where she’s holding the leaf up to her mouth. I love how you cropped it.
Girl! These are amazing! & your babes little JOEs are killing me! LOVE!! 🙂
Thanks, Shawna, dear! It’s good to “see” you!!! 😀 Aren’t the Joe’s for baby’s just too much? LOL! I couldn’t resist – I’m guilty of dressing both my girls like me. Ha!
Oh the depth of field in these just is amazing. Gorgeous!
Awww, these photos are just so gorgeous! It would be so gooooood if you could turn these actions into ready-to-use-but-with-ability-to-tweak filters on iPhone apps! I’m a fan of your photoshop actions and I would go totally gaga u made it into an app as well!
The mushroom shots are “TOAD-ally” magical. Nice to see you combined three of your actions. I have all your sets and have been working at combining them for an even nicer look.
Hello! Love your photos so much!! I am working with photoshop elements. How do you get that awesome blurring in the background in your photos above?? I must know! Thank you so much!
Thanks, Megan. What yu see is called bokeh, which is the blurred or out-of-focus areas. This is achieved in camera by using a lens with a wide aperture … my f-stop number here was f1.4. Shooting with a wide aperture or shallow depth of field results in the out of focus areas of the image being blurred as you see here, how much blur – or bokeh – you get will depend on many factors including on your lens and aperture setting, your distance to your subject, your focal length, etc I hope that helps! For those just beginning and wanting to get a prime lens capable of shooting with a shallow depth of field I recommend this lens : http://amzn.to/uCgmLw … or the 1.8 for those on a tighter budget. 🙂