Pure and Natural Newborn Photography | Be Inspired | Photoshop Actions Paint the Moon
Guest article written by Robin Long Photography
I see a newborn baby as pure, natural and organic. Newborns are simple and untouched by the world around them, inspiring me to create natural art with their curly, squishy little bodies. Once I hold a newborn in my arms, I begin to think of how I’m going to create pure art with this tiny little thing.
Each baby has their own personality that will some day, mold and shape them into who they will become. If we, as newborn photographers, can draw upon the inspiration from each of them to create and capture the first days of their life, we can show the world just what a miracle they truly are. Photographing a newborn baby is one of the most rewarding feelings you will ever know. I love to capture the “womb-like” and “natural” poses babies love. These poses are the ones that show how pure they truly are, and the ones parents will always treasure.
While we all love to shape and create them into our own little squishy poses, don’t discount the ?natural? poses. You will capture a moment that is truly pure.
Robin is an award winning newborn photographer, and has a beautiful new book out revealing her secrets to newborn posing and photography. Robin is a part of the Be Inspired giveaway going on now … make sure to view the details, rules and awesomeness of The Be Inspired Giveaway so you don’t miss out!
Robin Long Photography on Facebook
Tags: creativity, newborn, paint the moon actions, Photography Articles, Photoshop Actions for Photographers