Miss E Has Arrived! | Salem Oregon Newborn Photographer
Our precious Baby E arrived last Sunday! After laboring at home all day she was delivered naturally with daddy catching her and big sis holding mommy’s hand through it all. She’s so tiny and perfect, I’ve done nothing but cuddle and love on her for the past week. In fact, she’s sleeping and nursing in my lap as I type this.
Forgive me for getting behind in work matters. This time is too precious to miss a second of this bliss! In fact, I hated even taking these photos because it meant putting her down for a minute.:) I was done in less than a minute!
And because I couldn’t bear to bother her with a “real” photo for the first several days, I took a lot of snapshots while she was in my arms. I just didn’t want to bug her, wake her up or stop snuggling her even for a minute!! So, here we are, having our skin to skin time (which we do almost all day and night unless we have a rare visitor … who needs clothes when you’re this precious?). She naturally struck this adorable “pose” (my husband said she must know her mommy well).
So beautiful… Congratulations to you and your lucky family!
Congratulations on the arrival of beautiful Miss E.! Enjoy your wonderful blessing!
GORGEOUS Annie! She’s so beautiful!!
a beautiful miracle-Look at her!
Congratulations!! She is beautiful!
She is just beautiful 🙂 Congratulations on the new edition!!!!
just beautiful! congratulations!
Oh my gosh…absolutely breathtaking…so stinking cute. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Ohhh…so yummy!
oh my gosh she’s ADORABLE!!!
congratulations to you and your family on your newest little member 🙂
Congratulations! Beautiful baby and off course, amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing 😉
congrats! baby E is so beautiful.
Oh she is absolutely adorable Annie! Thanks for sharing these photos! I’m sure big sister is also loving fussing over this little cutie. Looking forward to seeing your photos up at 365 Project soon too!
Annie she’s beautiful…it’s such a miracle when one sec their in your belly n the next their in your arms…enjoy her, don’t miss a second of her ‘little’ time, its over in the blink of an eye. (I say this as i have my 5 yr old cuddled on my lap) Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!!!!
Congratulations, she’s beautiful! Enjoy your time, they really do grow up so fast. Our angel turns 6 mos. on Wednesday. Long past this beautiful, sleepy peaceful stage. Enjoy it!
Awww she’s sooo sweet!! Congrats!!
So happy for you and your family! Beautiful photographs as always and such a precious Miss E!!!
Oh My! She is beautiful. I would never want to put her down either. In fact I might want to have another child after looking at her. Enjoy every last moment.
Annie, she is just so incredibly beautiful. Congratulations to you and your family on such an adorable addition….I know you all are enjoying this time immensely.
Beyond words Annie love … WAY beyond words!
May JOY burst forth from the seams of your tightly stitched little family. The BEST of the BEST to you all forevermore!
Love and hugs …
Congrats with your little girl!! She is just soo precious!. Enjoy this special time and don’t worry about your work.
Congrats Annie, she is beautiful!!!!
How amazing! Congratulations on delivering her at home! It’s such a WOW experience!!